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Sunday, November 24

24th Nov - Weekender: Links

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Brussels blog round up 16 – 22 NovemberEuropp / LSE
Europe’s Roma population, EU laws on vacuum cleaners, and can the Dutch lead Europe’s reform efforts?

The New European Framework for Managing Bank CrisesCEPS
Description and discussion of the proposals for a European Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) for banks and for a Directive on Bank Recovery and Resolution (BRR).

Macro imbalances and
Since the advent of the Eurozone sovereign-debt crisis, economic commentators have drawn attention to macroeconomic imbalances within the Eurozone. This column presents evidence on the link between macroeconomic imbalances and differences in culture – or more specifically, interpersonal trust. A conservative estimatation suggests that a one standard-deviation increase in trust reduces macroeconomic imbalances by about a quarter of a standard deviation. Moreover, differences in interpersonal trust can explain a fifth of the variation in intra-Eurozone imbalances.

Spain and Italy get leeway on budget targetseuobserver
The meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels on Friday (22 November) was the first of its kind, seeing ministers pore over the detail of each others' annual spending plans under the bloc's new economic governance rules.

Great Graphic: EONIA Being Squeezed Higher, Likely Seasonal NoiseMarc to Market

Euro zone mulls cheap loans as incentive for economic reforms –document Reuters
Cheap Loans Proposed for Euro-Zone GovernmentsWSJ
Euro zone states are considering cheap loans to member governments as an incentive to carry out painful economic reforms, an EU document showed, introducing a discussion on fiscal transfers.

Jörg Asmussen: Europe 2014 - an outlook from the ECBBIS

German finance minister says no more risks of contagion in euro zoneReuters
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Saturday that there were no longer any risks of contagion in the euro zone, and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras stressed his country did not need a further bailout.


In Fed Policy, the Exit Music May Be Hard to HearNYT

Post-monetarist Fed is sleepwalking into a trap (technical)The Telegraph

Shadow Banking and Systemic Risk RegulationFED
Fed Governor Daniel K. Tarullo at the Americans for Financial Reform and Economic Policy Institute Conference, Washington, D.C.

Can non-interest rate policies stabilise housing markets?BIS

(Dec 2012) The strange world of negative interest ratesPieria

Resources for Quantitative TradingMathtrading

Money for Nothing: The Negatives of a Negative Income TaxNoahpinion

When are markets “rational”?Michael Pettis

Stock Market Only Game In Town... For Now!Short Side of the Long

Empty SuitsFarnam Street

The Evolution of BitchinessThe Atlantic
Women engage in indirect aggression and slut-shaming, even in clinical research studies. Why?

The World's Most Powerful Computer Network Is Being Wasted on BitcoinGizmodo

Auto Correct: Has the self-driving car at last arrived?The New Yorker

The Hidden Technology That Makes Twitter HugeBusinessweek

Miksi Irlanti ei käytä EVM-pelastusrengastaTyhmyri
Koska Irlanti ei halua luovuttaa loppuakin itsenäisyyttään Berliiniin

IMF:n ex-apulaisjohtaja: tukipaketit olivat vikatikkiHenri Myllyniemi / PS

Hyvä inflaatio, hyvä disinflaatio, paha inflaatio, paha disinflaatioTyhmyri
Kannattaa miettiä mistä ilmiö johtuu eikä tuijottaa prosentteja

Hallitus otti lekan käyttöön jättimäisissä miljardisäästöissäTE

Itämeressä tikittää natsipommi - Liittoutuneet virittivät senTE

Hesarin Virkkunen johti kärsivällisyydellä Nooan arkkiaanVerkkouutiset

Nyt kypsyi EU:n lähipiiri: Ei liittovaltiota hivuttamalla Jan Hurri / TalSa
Euromaiden liittovaltio ei onnistu kriisitoimien varjossa hivuttamalla eikä muutenkaan ennen kuin kansa sellaisen haluaa. Siihen asti valta on paras palauttaa jäsenmaihin eikä valuttaa vaivihkaa Brysseliin niin kuin nyt tapahtuu. Taasko tätä "eurokriittisten voimien" valitusta? Ei, vaan nyt vaatimus tulee yllättäen EU:n lähipiiristä.

RAY uhkasi katkaista Mielenterveyden keskusliiton avustuksetESS

Vasemmiston valintaSaloniemi

Kansalaispalkka ja sosiaaliturvaTyhmyri
Kannatan kansalaispalkkaa jos se on samalla kovaa vastikkeellista sosiaaliturvaa

Ukraina ei halunnut sopimusta EU:n kanssaTyhmyri
Onko EU enää houkutteleva vaihtoehto?