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Tuesday, May 7

7th May - US Close

Previously on MoreLiver’s:

Roundups & Commentary
Markets – Between The Hedges
Daily Interest Rate Monitor – Global Macro Monitor
The Closer – alphaville / FT
US: Mission Accomplished 3.0: Dow 15,000 Close – ZH

New EC spring forecasts: high uncertainty dominates outlook for CyprusBruegel
Last Friday the European Commission released the spring update on their economic forecasts for EU member states and some other advanced economies

How to kill the European repo market in 10 easy stepsalphaville / FT
Warnings over how the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) is likely to hurt the repo markets are growing by the day.

German Factory Orders Rose in March in Sign of RecoveryBB

Germany softens stance on EU treaty changeeuobserver
Schaeuble says Europe to get banking union underway quicklyReuters
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Tuesday Europe would get its banking union on its way quickly on the basis of current European Union treaties instead of waiting for treaty changes.

'Political science fiction' to become reality, Barroso sayseuobserver
The European Commission will set out its views on EU treaty change by early next year noting that ideas that now seem like "political science fiction" will eventually become reality.

ECB’s Parking Fees Show Its WeaknessView / BB
Even if the ECB could encourage banks to lend, though, that doesn’t mean businesses will borrow. The primary issue in the euro area isn’t the cost of funding. The main problem is that few businesses want to borrow at any cost.

ECB's Asmussen warns about risks of low interest ratesReuters
Asmussen on Tuesday raised concern about keeping interest rates in the euro zone at low levels for too long, calling upon governments to stick to their reforms.

EU’s Rehn Says Too Soon to Say If Slovenia to Need BailoutBB

Portugal Bond SaleWSJ, Marc to Market, BB, – Reuters
Successfully re-enters the capital markets

Consistency of the Underlying TrendsTim Duy’s Fed Watch
JOLTS Jolts Jobs Report Cheerleaders, Implies Worst Job Growth Since Sep 2010ZH

361 Capital Weekly Research BriefingThe Reformed Broker

Japan UpdateMarc to Market

Markets may ease the expected "collateral scarcity" problemSober Look

The Risk of Fire Sales in the Tri-Party Repo MarketN.Y. FED
Key short-term funding market remains vulnerable to destabilizing runs that can threaten the broader health of the financial system.

Mitäs sitten tehtäisiin?Hannu Visti
Euroopassa on ihmetelty taas viime aikoina äärioikeiston äänen kuulumista, on sitten kyse terrorismista ja muusta rikollisuudesta tai sallitusta retoriikasta. Sen kummemmin ottamatta tähän kantaa, huomaamme, että jälleen kerran löytyy seasta näennäisintelligentsiaa, joka on oitis kieltämässä vääriä mielipiteitä, ei ainoastaan vastustamassa niitä.