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Friday, July 22

July 22nd LATE

Summary: Nothing solved, only postponed. Yields, CDSs’ are telling the story as it is.

My View: Brazil is in for a hard landing in 3 to 6 months. (hot money, inverted curve, real estate bubble, household debt, dependence on commodity prices). Paper trade short on, took profits on half days ago. Hire me. All links safe for work


Greece’s Brady Plan, Finally – The Big Picture

“In other words, the EU is saying, ‘Portugal and Ireland are out of luck. Don't expect anything from us.’”
Thermopylae or Crete? – Humble Student of The Markets

Citigroup’s quick  & dirty calc on PIIGS banks + some on RBS
Piggy banks – alphaville / FT

Small Economies, Big Problems, and Global Interdependence – Kemal Dervis via Project Syndicate

The Lesser Depression – Krugman / NYT

Pity the Policymakers – PIMCO CEO El-Erian via Project Syndicate


Consumers ditching Windows, increasing reliance on biz users, xbox. Real men play CivIV on pc.

Low-tech hacking

(youtube link on page) Tilt: Visualize your Web page in 3D